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Welcome to Kappa Alpha Theta, Eta Phi chapter at Belmont University. My name is Ilyse Knepp, and I have the honor of serving this chapter as the Vice President of Membership. I couldn’t be more excited to share with you all that makes Theta so incredibly special.


I want to first recognize all that being a Potential New Member entails. Going through recruitment is such an exciting time. However, it can also be extremely nerve wracking. Please know that any and all feelings you may be experiencing are completely normal, and you are never alone in them! As Thetas, we strive to not only acknowledge these feelings but also to celebrate them! Theta is dedicated to being a safe space for everyone. It is my hope that you feel free to be your most true and authentic self. I want you to be able to get just a glimpse of what that looks like through every conversation you have with the members of Theta!


Throughout your recruitment process, you will be met with many different conversations. My hope for you is that you are open to having meaningful conversations that are authentic to who you are as an individual. There is no pressure to talk about certain things or act in certain ways. What makes Theta so special is the uniqueness found in every member, and how those traits come together to form Theta as a whole. I encourage you to drop any expectations you may have placed on yourself walking into Theta and let us see who you are! You are seen, celebrated, and loved.


Becoming a Theta has been such a special part of my life. I have met some of my closest friends in this space. I truly feel valued both as an individual and for how my presence fits into the Thetahood. The people you meet here will become people you can count on, depend on, lift up, and be lifted up by. It is such a special thing to be a member of Kappa Alpha Theta, and my hope is that this is shown to you during your journey here! Incredibly grateful to be with you alongside this process. 

Theta Love and Mine,

Ilyse Knepp

Vice President of Membership, Eta Phi


For more information, contact

Or register for recruitment at


Kappa Alpha Theta


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