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From Our President, 

For the last two years Theta has been the place in my life where I have felt most comfortable in who I am. I always knew I wanted to go through recruitment and find a home with a sorority, but never did I think I would end up in such a wonderful chapter. I never imagined that I would have the opportunity to lead this chapter, but it is my absolute pleasure to work with and for these amazing people.

Theta is so unique because it means many different, beautiful things for every member of the chapter. We celebrate everyone's strengths, we support everyone's decisions, and we encourage everyone to find and be their best self. In Theta you have the special ability to reach out and impact so many other people while also finding more of who you truly want to be. No one supports you quite like your fellow Theta's. The overwhelming amount of love and appreciation you feel right when you first walk in the doors never leaves you - it only grows stronger over the years. Theta has such a special place in my heart because it is where I have found some of my dearest friends, but also where I have grown as a leader, as a friend, and as a person. It truly is a place of faith, hope, and love, and that will never change.

Theta Love and Mine,

Alden Laborde

Eta Phi President

Kappa Alpha Theta


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